TextMatch node scans the input string for the given key(s) and extracts their value(s). Each value is separated from the key by start delimiter. The end delimiter marks the end of the value.
Ex. Company:WISR;
key is “Company”, start delimiter is “:”, value is “WISR”, end delimiter is “;”
Node configuration:
Configuration tab:
Use configuration file – true/false, whether to read the node configuration from an external json file
File – configuration file name or URL. This could be a local path or file path on the server where KNIME will run in headless mode.
Input column to scan – column from input table to scan, 0 based, Row ID columns are not counted.
Conditional string – text
Must exist – true/false, when true scanning is performed only if the conditional string is present in the input
Start delimiter – character that separates the key from the value
End delimiter – character that marks the value end
Scan start position – put 0 to scan the entire input string
Scan end position – put 0 to scan the entire input string
List of keys to scan for – currently 20 keys are supported
License tab:
License Server – license server URL
Licensed Site – domain URL on which the node is licensed and is running on
License Code – license code
Node input:
Table with one row that contains the text to scan in a single column. Only the column specified in the configuration is scanned.
Node output:
Table with one row, columns names are the keys, column values are the values.
Source Form | Company | First Name | Last Name | Phone | Documents
OneTickForm | WISR | f | l | 111-222-3333 | Trade show