Version: 1.0.3 / 2016-10-24


This node reads a csv file from Amazon S3 and writes its content into a data table. The file is parsed using the information on the CSV Reader tab.

Node configuration:

S3 Reader tab:

Use configuration file: true/false, whether to read the node configuration from an external json file.

File: configuration file name or URL. This could be a local path or file path on the server where KNIME will run in headless mode.

Bucket name: Amazon S3 bucket name

File name: Amazon S3 object/file name

Public Access: check to access public buckets and objects

Access key ID: Amazon key

Secret Access Key: Amazon secret

Note: private access is not implemented in this version

CSV Reader tab:

Column Delimiter: The character string delimiting columns. Use ‘\t’ for tab character. For space delimiter use: ” ” (with no quote marks).

Row Delimiter: The character string delimiting rows. Use ‘\n’ for new line character, (Java Standard).

Quote Char: The quote character (“).

Comment Char: A character indicating line comments.

Has Column Header: Select this box if the first row contains column name headers.

Has Row Header: Select this box if the first column contains row name headers (no duplicates allowed).

Support Short Lines: Select this box if some rows may be shorter than others (filled with missings).

Skip first lines: If enabled, the specified number of lines are skipped in the input file before the parsing starts.

Limit rows: If enabled, only the specified number of data rows are read. The column header row (if selected) is not taken into account.

License tab:

License Server: license server URL (note: defaults to:; to change server URL you must use external Configuration file option).

Licensed Site: domain URL on which the node is licensed to run. If you are developing on a machine that is different then the final production server, you must use the External-Configuration file to set ALL parameters. See usage examples here:

License Code: your software license code; e.g.: deeb7a4b740a4xxxxxxd47c3ef24f579

Note: Manage your License Sites from the Licesens Keys link at:

Node input:


Node output:

Table with x columns: Column number is data dependent. First Column is Row ID; number of rows is equal to the number of lines read from the csv file.

Download / Installation

  • Purchase and download ZIP file from AppFerret
  • UnZIP file and find: readme.txt
  • Follow installation instructions that are included in the readme.txt

For additional installation or upgrading help, please see:

Examples / Testing

AWS S3 Reader Pro; test workflow flowchart:

AWSS3ReaderPro wf 01

The above Workflow can be downloaded here: AWSS3ReaderPro_wf-01.knwf

After downloading the Workflow, import to Knime using: File/Import Knime Workflow

For more examples and testing information please see:

Reference Documents & Links

For addition information please see:

Related Nodes

AWS S3 Writer Pro: writes files to AWS S3

See all the WISR AWS related nodes here:

Special Notes

Main Logo/Image

Icon Image(s)

S3-Read: icon_0010_Download_Folder.jpg

icon 0010 Download Folder

Product Featured Image

Additional Product Image(s)

Demo File/Link

AWS S3 Reader Pro; test workflow flowchart:

AWSS3ReaderPro wf 01

The above Workflow can be downloaded here: AWSS3ReaderPro_wf-01.knwf

After downloading the Workflow, import to Knime using: File/Import Knime Workflow

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